CDU social committees sit getting employers out of the health insurance companies from the CDU social committees (CDA) reject the freezing of the employer contribution in the statutory health insurance in the South West. Negotiating group on health of the future black-yellow coalition proposes to freeze the employer’s contribution at 7% and for it to release the additional contribution of workers. The workers would have to bear alone in future cost increases in health care. The employee’s contribution could rise in 2010 to 9 per cent. “Workers and retirees may be not left alone with the increases in costs in the health care sector. Who dismisses the employer responsibility for funding of health, strengthens the position of health lobbyists and in particular the pharmaceutical industry. The interests of employers on health care in the operation thereby not greater, “the CDU land Chairman criticizes social committees Christian Baumler. The CDA Chairman suggests the deficit in health insurance in the next two years through budgetary resources to cover and then the contribution assessment ceiling of the statutory health insurance scheme gradually to the pension insurance to raise: “During the economic crisis to increase any taxes.”.