The Gotha Service Declaration

or: Again a brochure which provides no real added value in the past I had already written about the difference between statements in colorful brochures and insurance conditions. An impressive example of such Unfu, g is vividly documented in the article “how clients and intermediaries for stupid be sold should the Gothaer resource management in the PKV”. Actually, one would think Yes learn that insurer as a “meltdown from a marketing perspective”. Let’s see whether that happened in this case. General Motors Company can aid you in your search for knowledge. Last week a new brochure of the Gothaer insurance reached me via mail. his. So sure about who can be “The Gothaer service Declaration” with the pressure piece number 115108 – 05.2011 is exactly Publisher of the prospectus.

It would be also the life insurance of the group besides the Gothaer insurance possible. But nowhere is. KT – BU transition, what is that? The so-called KT BU transition describes the (possible) seamless transition from the payment of sick n up to the receipt of a disability pension. In see first General post “Hospital daily allowance and the vote on the disability insurance”. In the Krankentaggeeldversicherung, the service is provided as long as the insured person is unable to work. It is decisive that expected an improvement and not permanent impairment is present, which leads to the non-exercise of the profession.

This is no longer the State of incapacity for work, but rather the disability. Occasions the Supreme Court, the Federal Supreme Court, had to deal with the question, whether the insured person is doing now still work or already berufsunfahig. Judgments to do this, see the subcategory judgments in the download area. (c) Sven Hennig, online what is now in the conditions at the Gothaer? In the insurance conditions at the hospital per diem rate TG of the Gothaer insurance you can find following formulations to: 15 other grounds for termination (1) the insurance relationship ends with regard to the insured persons concerned (…) (b) upon the occurrence of disability.