While the rule is: first create the necessary atmosphere for discussions. Your sellers easiest succeed by again causing the customers in mind, what benefit he got from the cooperation. But not by him saying this, but by asking: How did this go? How did that? That solution proved itself? The customer has the benefit of cooperation front, the seller can the discussion on the topic of price adjustment”lead for example, by first generally speaking on the evolution of commodity prices, before he derived from it, what does this mean for your company. Now, the seller can his whole “customized reasoning unroll before the conclusion follows: therefore we must increase our prices by 5.2 percent.” For this purpose you must provide of course your seller with the necessary data material by neutral sources, if possible. “” Talk strategy we develop according to your seller must raise prices “his interlocutor, is how well the boost founded is outraged cry out and might even say then, our cooperation is complete”. Your seller so on this customer reaction prepare, so that he not buckles at such a threat, but for example calmly replies: we thought that. Therefore, we have again negotiated with our suppliers.
Also, we have further optimized the processes in our company. Thus we could most of the cost increases catch already, which is why we have to increase our prices only 2.9 per cent ultimately.” Affiliated is the A stone of the heart are negotiating their seller. Finally, 3.9 per cent sound different than 5.2 percent. Such reasoning patterns should work for you (for example, as Sales Manager) with your vendors, because experience shows: alone it is many difficult to identify sufficiently technical, economic, and emotional arguments to legitimize an increase of in prices. And even more difficult it is for them to integrate them into a custom line of reasoning and conversation strategy. But even if your seller conclusively laid out the customers, why your company must increase its rates, the target price increase is”not yet reached.