Squid still criticized ' ' those that make separao' ' between familiar and agronegcio agriculture. According to president, the country ' ' he depends on dois' '. The president affirmed that the function of the federal government is to prepare the country to produce and to walk. ' ' He does not advance to produce and to be in the hand of three or four tradings, that in the hour of ' ' he catches for capar' ' they run and they leave in them in mo.' ' To stand out the importance that is given to the agronegcio during the two mandates of Squid, the minister Dilma Rousseff (Civil House) said that in the plan of harvest 2002/3 the federal government liberated R$ 24,7 billion. Dilma affirmed that the workmanships of logistic infrastructure and of the CAP (Program of Acceleration of the Growth) have as objective to eliminate gargalos in the farming Brazilian, especially for the draining of the production. The fear of the leaderships of setorLideranas of the agricultural sector had supported Agricultural and Cattle Plan 2009/10, but they fear that good parcel of the volume has remembered of resources for financing of the new harvest is far from the field, the example of what it occurs in the current agricultural year, when 20% 25% of the available money left of being used. Mrcio Lopes de Freitas, president of the Organization of the Brazilian Cooperatives, affirmed that the plan has advances ' ' not only by vol. of resources, but in mechanisms for aloc-los' '.
The president of the Brazilian Agricultural Society, Cesrio Ramalho, greeted the endorsement of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva to the idea of a deep guarantor of agronegcio – the example of what My House exists for small companies and in the scope of the program, My Life, notice that the Leaf anticipated anteontem. She is necessary to define of where they come the resources and the available total, it affirmed Ramalho. The CNA (Confederation of the Cattle Agriculture and of Brazil) waits value in the band of R$ 7 billion 10 R$ bilhes.' ' If already they had been servant deep for other segments of the economy, why does not stop the agronegcio, that represents one tero of the GIP? ' ' , it said, by means of note, the president of the CNA, senator Ktia Abreu (DEM It to YOU). The member of the house of representatives Moacir Micheletto (PMDB-PR), coordinator politician of the Parliamentary Front of the Farming one, remembered that the sector has high supply of debts, esteem in R$ 120 billion. So that this number does not go off, it affirmed that the sector can be benefited of the improvement of the agricultural insurance and the reduction of the imported fertilizer dependence. On the agricultural insurance, Micheletto waits that in the next month the report to the Deep one of Catastrophe is voted in Congress and, in August, follows for sanction of the Presidency of the congressional Repblica.O said to twist so that the politics to stimulate skirt fertilizing the national production of the paper. According to Fbio Meirelles, president of the Federacy of the Cattle Agriculture and of the State of So Paulo, this is a basic measure to diminish pressures on the production cost. BibliografiJornal Leaf of S. Pablo of 23 of June of 2009 Periodical of Brasilia of 23 of June of 2009 Periodical Economic Value of 23 of June of 2009 Periodical the State of S. Pablo of 23 of June of 2009