it goes to any other activity, to take over is on the basis of their skills and abilities in the position and it corresponds to their former life position, and c. She also any professional activity could go, she has specifically exercised within the last 12 months prior to the introduction of the disability. A previous professional activity is not taken into account, if the career change was made on the medical advice or due to a discontinuation of the previous activity, caused not by the insured person. Here is very clear, the “Disability” does not equal “Disability” is and therefore can occur, that the daily allowance insurance thinks it is berufsunfahig (then this need no longer pay) and the disability insurer that look very different, and claimed that it was “not yet” berufsunfahig. What is now stating”service” the Gothaer on himself? Because the service Declaration Gothaer sickness and Lebensversicherung AG, an uncomplicated, smooth and fast performance testing in the transition from the hospital per diem on the disability pension guarantee their customers.
Such a guarantee is pronounced here, that should be self-evident for my understanding. A company quickly checks his obligation and works smoothly, it still unkompliziert-WOW, but I expect that anyway. There are also, so that there would be companies continue, benefits: notification automatically meets non-bureaucratic process fast clarity about the further course of optimal use of the performance period of after the conclusion: And what brings me this statement now? Frankly, except for a little marketing, nothing. This is easy to explain. For one, the service guarantee is a prospectus, which is not contractually binding. Whether it is written in the Versicherungspoilice (n) for the respective customers, so becomes the part of the contract as a special condition or clause, remains to be seen. I have written to both Board members last week and asked for written confirmation on this issue.
Real added value (except maybe the automatic fulfilment of the reporting obligation) I do not see here. It is again something from the section “useless as well play up a marketing effect”. You probably even answered why the Gothaer that does, can the question. Especially since from my point of view the occupational disability protection of the Gothaer is not necessarily among the most powerful. Should they still opt for one or already decided, so please note among other things that Formulations to the abstract reference, the change of occupation and the retirement from the profession, the requirements for the purpose of verifying exclusions in the small print, and much more. But there are companies which transitions contractually solve such KT BU and write in your conditions. Such a formulation and so one brings also an added value, you can find at Halle medical insurance and the old Leipzig life insurance. The conditions of ALTE Leipziger KT – BU transition, see the download area at Versicherungsbedingunge n. Before they believe so (unfortunately once again) leaflets and surrender to supposed guarantees, please note the selection criteria of the private health insurance and of course also the criteria for disability insurance and take sufficient time in finding the right product.