This content must be searched in the culture of educating and the naconscincia that it has of same. Conscinciasoprimidas and critical or the magical ones are immersed in the reality or afogadasnelas. They do not feel themselves capable to understand the facts. The conscience ingnuasente of all capable one. The critical conscience only elaborates a viable clipping darealidade, representing the facts as they give themselves empirically, with suasmltiplas relations.
For believing the passvel world detransformao the critical conscience leagues the world to it of the culture and not danatureza. This conception distinguishes nature from culture, understanding culturacomo the additions that the man makes to the world, or as the result of seutrabalho, of its creative effort. Educating must be primeirodescobrir as a constructor of this world of the culture aeducao demands of the educator, of a side, queeleja the service of who wants to be. This discovery would rescue suaauto-esteem, therefore in such a way the workmanship of a great sculptor is culture, how much bonecode adobe made for its neighbor. 4.3AS CONCEPTIONS DE PABLO FREIRE AND OENSINODA 4.3.1 HISTORY the education of History national aidentidade the education of History even in years 80, had as principalobjetivo to develop in the pupil a national identity. However this deensino system did not get success, therefore it did not obtain to create the identity, causing assimmais you doubt, of that identification.
But, according to Freire (2001, P. 57.), essafalta of information generates ideological differences, of a side, discriminatory, of another one, resistance. Traditionalistic Omtodo of the education of History gave emphasis imposes a fine on so that it alunodecorasse dates and names of some personages of the national politics, ' ' decoreba' ' , in which the same ones remained far from the reality and of the life and the world it qualestava of it inserted, becoming the contents of it disciplines of History assuntochato, existing only in old books and in the dust of the museums and what naprova falls pertaining to school is not what the life of the pupil asks for to it, but yes what professor, standes out Tiba (2008, p.68.) in seusestudos.