When plans to change the regulatory system of the construction industry in the country just discussed, the legislators chose between the two approaches to self-organization. In accordance with the first SRO in the building must were to enter only general contractors and master planners, who could do all the work themselves or engage sub-contractors. In this general contractors would be required to establish effective quality control work on their facilities being built and fully responsible for their compliance with technical regulations. But the victory of the second approach, under which members of SRO were to be employed in virtually all construction sites in the organization, each of which would be responsible for their area of work. On January 1, 2010 under the Federal Law of 01.12.2007 N 315-FZ 'On the self-regulatory organizations' action was canceled licenses for construction activity. In accordance with the list of works on construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia Order from 09.12.2008 N 274, SROs should have come the vast majority of construction organizations. Order Ministry of Regional Development from the start been strongly criticized by representatives of small construction companies and FAS, because in order to become a member of the SRO in construction, the company had to spend about 500 thousand rubles. (Including contributing to the reserve fund in the amount of SRO 300 thousand rubles.
For builders and 150 thousand rubles. For design and engineering surveyors). Big challenges for small businesses and caused a shortage of professionals in the state stroyorganizatsy: when joining the SRO law provided for a minimum number of employees with higher professional education in each construction company, regardless of its size. Therefore, according to representatives of small business and FAS, is a self-promoted monopolization of the market. In addition, the transition to self-regulation revealed many negative points. SRO in the building were created not only to industry and regional business associations, the largest construction companies, and government officials, business people, not had experience in construction. Very quickly, a host of middlemen, 'dummy' SRO trading in certificates of admission to the works. Neither of which the quality control of works from such CPO was not the question. Became it is clear that changes in legislation.