Domain Name

Each Internet resource has its own unique name – the domain name. From small sites to giant corporations – it is an integral part of any web site. Every domain name – a unique set of characters and numbers, allowing, say, target visitors remember it to visit the company site via a browser, regardless of location. Enormous role of the domain name should be acknowledged in advertising campaigns, promotion of – a kind of person the company, brand, attracting more and more new users. The same domain name may be registered in different geographical zones – the domain zones, such as Zone uk – United Kingdom, and ru – Russia Federation, which in some cases may indicate the existence of completely different companies offering similar services are completely different. As stated above, the domain name to date should not be just a set of meaningless words, and brand. It should not be too long and to measure user friendly. With the growing popularity of the Internet in the world the number of domain names increases, minimizing the set of combinations of characters, that is, a domain name with a "brand" name can not be registered as it is already occupied by someone. "The face of the company" invented once, and someone at one point sold, with a very large sum of money. For example, the domain name was sold at auction for several million dollars. It is important to know that the domain name is now used not only as publicly displayed face site, but also for commercial purposes, forging of their money.