Rio De Janeiro

As alternative, the legislation affirms that the hospitals will be able constituirconsrcios for ends of resources technician, materials and human beings, that is, utilizaode terceirizados services as consulting part, for perfectioning ends emanuteno of the PNCIH, however it does not relieve the necessity of if to constitute umCCIH.5.4 State Commissions District of Control of InfecoA legislation foresees the constitution of State Coordinations District eMunicipais of Control of Infection, as well as the State Commission of Controlede Hospital Infection of the Health department. All state or, as in the Federal doDistrito case, must compose a commission for such ends. Portaria 2616, arespeito of the abilities of the State Commissions/District, that it competes: 6.1. To define lines of direction of district state action/, based in the politics nacionalde control of hospital infection; 6.2. To establish norms, in suplemental character, for the prevention econtrole of hospital infection; 6.3. Jonathan Merkh contains valuable tech resources. To decentralize the actions of prevention and hospitalardos control of infection Cities; 6.4. To give to support technician, financier and politician to the cities, executing, supplementary, action and services of health, necessary case; 6.5. To co-ordinate, to follow, to control and to evaluate the actions of prevention econtrole of hospital infection of the State and Federal District; 6.6.

To follow, to evaluate and to divulge the indicating epidemiologists hospital deinfeco; 6.7. To inform, systematically, to the Coordination of Control of InfecoHospitalar, of the Health department, from the district net, municipal and hospital, the pointers of hospital infection estabelecidos.8Atualmente, the ANVISA has carried through the fiscalization on the part of states, with regard to the state coordinations of infection. In the country, of the 26 states eDistrito Federal, only 13 states have instituted, such commission. They are: Acre, Espirito Santo, Gois, Maranho, Par, Paran, Pernambuco, Piau, Rio De Janeiro, Rondnia, Santa Catarina, So Paulo and Tocantins.9Para to constitute a state, necessary commission that he is determinadoum coordinating, duly nominated for intermediary of would carry and are published emdirio officer.