In carrying out the issuance of the loan, loans, credit organizations and banks to some extent, are risking their financial means, which give the lender. Statistics conducted on the subject, not Return of funds by the borrower very disappointing. Now in order to protect themselves, organizations, or give a loan against real estate or personal property, carrying out further checks of the borrower for solvency or a so-called credit scoring bidder, and from the data decide whether to credit the person or entity, apply for credit. What is the scoring and why he has played a significant role in the loan, even with the pledge? Credit scoring – a statistical and mathematical methods used in assessing kreditoplatezhnosti potential customer. It is most commonly used when issuing Express credit and loans, unsecured lien.
Indeed, in the case of the issuance of money secured by an apartment, a bank, after the conclusion of the treaty is in its form of a guarantor in case of nonpayment by the borrower loan. Bank return their spent money selling the mortgaged property. Many lending agencies in the fight for the client minimizes the requirements imposed on the lender, in particular, make loans to bail property, without inquiries on incomes without bail. But in order to protect themselves hold scoring. Credit scoring is based on the scoring, which appears in the study questionnaire, and filled with borrowers when applying application. The system of credit scoring is used when a given mortgage loan, as is the simplified system analysis creditworthiness of potential customers. For the application of scoring (scoring applicant), which aims to assess the creditworthiness of the borrower when the loan is secured by real estate, you must highlight the following data: age, presence and number of dependents, occupation, value pledged object, income, whether he was previously a client of the bank. In each of the credit institution or bank has a scoring range of issues and so if one place does not give credit for an apartment, then another possible loan will without any delay.