Julius Ceaser

It goes since the chaos and the birth of the world until the metamorphosis of Cesar in astro, counting the lendrias transformations of human beings in animals, rocks or plants, with spirit, subtileza, would galanteria and imagination. It is a composed legend collection in six verses you syllabify, the majority of Greek origin, in each one of which a metamorphosis occurs. Although the complexity of the subject, Ovdio fully endowed the personages the holy ghosts with emotions human beings. It mediates, tragedy of which had only remained two verses. The structure of Metamorphoses consists of 15 books written in hexmetro dactlico with about 250 narratives in twelve a thousand verses composites in Latin (p.4), and that they transcorrem poeticalally on the cosmology and the history of the world, confused deliberately fiction and reality, telling the transfigurao of the mitolgicos men and deuses in animals, trees, rivers, rocks, representing the beginning of the times, arriving at the apotheosis of Jlio Cesar and the proper time of the poet, that is, the Century of Augustus (43 B.C. – 14 d.C.), (p.12).

This historical cycle presents mythology as a stage in the development of the world and the man (p.13). Ovdio follows the concept of Hesodo and in the sample the four chronological ages of classic mythology (known as the Age of the Gold, the Age of Silver, the Age of Bronze, and the Age of the Iron) (p.14). Using to advantage such boarding of the ages of the man, Ovdio freely joined deuses to the mortals in histories of love, incest, jealousy, crimes, dramaturgos, philosophers and psychologists. Contemporary of Horcio and Virglio, Ovdio gave new literary finishing to the Greek myths that had been used to advantage for the Roman Empire when this it conquered Greece. Thus, poets as Homero and Pausnias had been of basic importance for its inspiration. Although the personages are mitolgicas, the character of its dialogues and stories is permeado by humanity.