According Schondube (1956), tincture of milk thistle has a strong choleretic and choleretic action. It recommends that the wide use of it in diseases of the biliary tract, noting its very good tolerability and believes that is unlikely to be contraindications to its use. The clinics received good results and in the treatment of varicose veins of lower extremities. As a result of the last years of extensive photochemistry, experimental pharmacological and clinical pharmacological studies objectively confirmed advocated empirically effective therapeutic action of oil and the fruit of a thistle for chronic cholecystopathies and postgepatitnom syndrome. Experimental studies on mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, in which the thistle was used in different ways and at different doses, showed that empirically established the protective properties of milk thistle for liver damage caused by contained therein silymarin. Silymarin inhibits the development of peritonitis caused by formalin and immunologically-induced arthritis (Vogel et al., 1975). Protective and therapeutic effect of silybin (compounds included in the silymarin) in the liver parenchyma conducive to the fact that about 80% of the dose excreted in bile (Bulles and coavt., 1975).
Studies conducted in Germany, noted the impact of silymarin on the toxicants, toxic liver. Revealed that silymarin prevent penetration of toxic substances in the liver cells and other poisons are decomposed before they rendered their deleterious effects. This is the only currently known natural compound that protects cells regenerating liver and its functions. Uses: In the dry form and in the form of decoction.