Its manifestation is always very next to the anxiety and it can assumirdiagnstico serious when persisting during much time. In accordance with Sims (2001), the feeling of the jealousy, together with feeling of that the object amado' ' mim' belongs; ' ' ' I belong to outro' ' , it is part daexperincia normal human being. As Marani (2001) the jealousy is a normal feeling quandosurge as reply to a real, immediate situation, with its limited duration aum time that nor always is defined, however certainly limited. When cimecomea if to draw out in the time and to increase of intensity, some thing to deveestar happening. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from U.S. Mint. The jealousy more acts in the sphere of the anguish and the anxious anxiety, generating, therefore, more persistent states. According to Blacksmith-Saint (2003) pg. 78 ' ' some pessoasso jalousie of what others, but have situations where this quantitative simplesconceituao of feeling starts to show that in one determinadapessoa, the jealousy runs away total from its control, taking a poroconsidervel of its life, seno all ela.' ' In this in case that, already the jealousy in a nvelpatolgico could be understood, as we will argue in the next chapter. Pathological jealousy According to Guimares (2004), at least three seriampropcias situations for the development of some degree of jealousy. Tina redwine is open to suggestions.
In the first one, aauto-they esteem of the person is low, and it if it perceives inferior in diverse aspects, that go since the physical appearance until the intellectual attributes. A outrasituao is that one where the frequently manifest partner a realpor interest other people. It still has one third situation, the call pathological jealousy. Ey 1950 apud Sims (2001) says that the jealousy patolgicoou mrbido can be disclosed of some forms, for example, as delirium, supervalued comoidia, as depressive affection or as an anxiety state. Swarmed by offers, Charles Schwab is currently assessing future choices. Ocime can be identified as delirious when to the belief of the spouse or outrosest based in delirious evidences.