In addition, the company may not be a branch or subsidiary of a larger firm, and should be completely independent. Outside Capital Region company can not have branches. To the roster of small business staff must meet the following criteria: for construction and industrial strength should not exceed 100 people. For businesses, the scientific sphere and the number of agricultural enterprises should be not more than 60 people, companies services and retail staff should not exceed 30 people for the wholesale trade and other areas of the workforce should be no more than 50 people. If all parameters are appropriate for your company, then the entry in the register of small business can be done through the Department of Small and Medium business in Moscow. In the case of a successful introduction of your company in the register, the validity of the certificate will not be limited, but the firm must annually certify their attitude toward small businesses, according to the the above parameters. This confirmation should be implemented no later than 20 days before the deadline, which is indicated in the notes to the annual confirmation of the roster. " Documents for following confirmation must be submitted to the same extent and in the future. If you are not confident in their ability and accuracy of documents to the roster of small business, it is best consult a qualified professional, who will prepare everything in the best possible way. Working with us, you will avoid errors in the required documents and as a consequence of failure on making your company's roster, which will give you plenty benefits for its operations and success of the company.