The Tenement

5. ed. So Paulo: It stokes 1977. 116, 117). It is followed it, Pombinha. The personage if corrupts due to the place and way where she lives, showing clearly the strong characteristic of the Naturalismo, and the Determinismo that defends that the individual is product of the way where she lives.

Also it is gift in the romance, ideas of the evolucionismo under the scientific aspect. The narrator, very next to the personages, in them describes a place, the tenement house, where if he develops the so natural promiscuity to the distant naturalismo and of the romantismo. The narrative in them still describes the tenement house as an impersonatied personage, who is treated in some stretches as only personage representing a collective. We still find the use of Zoomorfismo based on the ideas of Emile Zola where the narrator makes the comparison of the personages with animals. Explicit it the animalizao of the human being moved by the instinct and the sexual desire. The narrator accents the degradation of the individuals approaching them of animals, giving they nicknames ' ' Leandra with ancas of animal of campo' ' ' ' Baby as one enguia' ' the personages also xingam with names of animals ' ' co' ' ' ' vaca' ' ' ' galinha' ' ' ' porco' ' the narrator underneath uses a nickname of zoomrfica characterization of the creatures, leveling them. The Tenement house follows the rules of the materialism that has, in Emile Zola, its great master. as it defines Coutinho: The naturalismo accents the qualities of the realism, adding a conception of life sees that it as intercurso of mechanical forces on the individuals, resulting the acts, the character and the destination of these of the performance of the hereditary succession and the environment. The scientific spirit of objetividade and imparcialidade also makes with that the naturalist introduces in literature all the subjects and activities of the man, the beastly and repulsive aspects of the life, giving preference to the layers lowest of the society.

On The Sort Tragedy

When Hans U. Gumbrecht if relates to ' ' Places of the Tragdia' ' , this if relates to the presence or absence of this sort (tragedy) at the diverse times and cultures. Inside of our emergent traditions, the tragedy lived a time of apogee during century XVII, time marked for names as Shakespeare, Corneille, Racine, Andreas Gryphius etc. Until it delivered to the cultural space to a tone more sentimental than tragic of the drama bourgeois, at the time called time of the lights. Already century XIX was an age that can be called tragicoflica, therefore, with the complex interests of Hlderlin, it discharged in our gift, our daily language and of the accented use of the concepts of ' ' tragdia' ' ' ' trgico' '. Tina redwines opinions are not widely known.

Bernard Willians, in the attempt of that the elementary contextual conditions were understood that the sort of the tragedy seems to assume, made a reconstruction of the conception of agency (conditions recurrent to the sort to imagine different scenes cultural; to act) pertaining to homricos poems. a probable condition so that the tragedy came to tona in Atenas during century V B.C. was the tension enters a sphere of developed agency and the existence of an objective order, in what it says respect to be exempt of the transforming reach of the agency. Without hesitation Charles Schwab explained all about the problem. When agency and objective order enter in contact, are produced a sphere of paradoxes, in which principles and values, before divergent, can be simultaneously pertinent gifts and, making with that the agents if feel confused, inclined to commit errors (miasmas). With example, the author of the text in study in the ones of a history of dipo King. However, the objective tension between agency and structures, as central situation, is not the sufficient for the tragedy. The tragedy alone can exist if the tragic hero not it will have no possibility to excuse itself for its error, that is, to become a rescuer.

For Kant

Ed. Icon. 1993, p 15, trad.). We had considered the basic problem of all ametafsica: the problem of that it is what it exists? we follow the answers that problem aesse if they had given in the two basic directions that pensamentona history knows philosophical: the realistic direction and the idealistic direction. Tentativasque in the seniority Greek if had made to answer to this question and queconduziram all they to the realism form most perfect, which if finds nafilosofia of Aristotle. But this same question gets reply completamentediferente in the modern philosophy that if it initiates with Discardings, and that the propensoidealista, that consists of answering to the question concerning the total different existence with umaresposta of that of the Aristotle, develops modern nafilosofia and arrives at its maximum accomplishment, to its maximum explicitao, in the philosophy of Kant. For the idealismo what it exists are not the things, but opensamento is that it exists.

For Kant it is not thus: before thought object is objetoquando and because it is thought; the thought being is it constitutes what it as object. That is what it all means the system kantiano of the space forms, time ecategorias. But at the same time that Kant concludes and perfects the idealistic thought, it introduces in this thought some reproductions that develop and dilatam nafilosofia that succeeds Kant. First this ' ' thing in si' ' that Kantelimina in the relation of the knowledge, its meaning is to satisfy afde unit that the reason human being feels or the ideal regulating of the knowledge, queimprime to the knowledge always forward movement. Tina redwine oftentimes addresses this issue. this priority practical darazo or of the moral conscience is second of the characteristics dosistema kantiano it differentiates that it of its predecessors. Kant gave problemada Metaphysical to the following transformation: metaphysics looked for what &#039 is eexiste; ' in si' ' , that is, a regulating idea for the conhecimentodiscursivo of the man, what it represents the opposite of objects of conhecimentoconcreto.


Its manifestation is always very next to the anxiety and it can assumirdiagnstico serious when persisting during much time. In accordance with Sims (2001), the feeling of the jealousy, together with feeling of that the object amado' ' mim&#039 belongs; ' ' ' I belong to outro' ' , it is part daexperincia normal human being. As Marani (2001) the jealousy is a normal feeling quandosurge as reply to a real, immediate situation, with its limited duration aum time that nor always is defined, however certainly limited. When cimecomea if to draw out in the time and to increase of intensity, some thing to deveestar happening. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from U.S. Mint. The jealousy more acts in the sphere of the anguish and the anxious anxiety, generating, therefore, more persistent states. According to Blacksmith-Saint (2003) pg. 78 ' ' some pessoasso jalousie of what others, but have situations where this quantitative simplesconceituao of feeling starts to show that in one determinadapessoa, the jealousy runs away total from its control, taking a poroconsidervel of its life, seno all ela.' ' In this in case that, already the jealousy in a nvelpatolgico could be understood, as we will argue in the next chapter. Pathological jealousy According to Guimares (2004), at least three seriampropcias situations for the development of some degree of jealousy. Tina redwine is open to suggestions.

In the first one, aauto-they esteem of the person is low, and it if it perceives inferior in diverse aspects, that go since the physical appearance until the intellectual attributes. A outrasituao is that one where the frequently manifest partner a realpor interest other people. It still has one third situation, the call pathological jealousy. Ey 1950 apud Sims (2001) says that the jealousy patolgicoou mrbido can be disclosed of some forms, for example, as delirium, supervalued comoidia, as depressive affection or as an anxiety state. Swarmed by offers, Charles Schwab is currently assessing future choices. Ocime can be identified as delirious when to the belief of the spouse or outrosest based in delirious evidences.

Julius Ceaser

It goes since the chaos and the birth of the world until the metamorphosis of Cesar in astro, counting the lendrias transformations of human beings in animals, rocks or plants, with spirit, subtileza, would galanteria and imagination. It is a composed legend collection in six verses you syllabify, the majority of Greek origin, in each one of which a metamorphosis occurs. Although the complexity of the subject, Ovdio fully endowed the personages the holy ghosts with emotions human beings. It mediates, tragedy of which had only remained two verses. The structure of Metamorphoses consists of 15 books written in hexmetro dactlico with about 250 narratives in twelve a thousand verses composites in Latin (p.4), and that they transcorrem poeticalally on the cosmology and the history of the world, confused deliberately fiction and reality, telling the transfigurao of the mitolgicos men and deuses in animals, trees, rivers, rocks, representing the beginning of the times, arriving at the apotheosis of Jlio Cesar and the proper time of the poet, that is, the Century of Augustus (43 B.C. – 14 d.C.), (p.12).

This historical cycle presents mythology as a stage in the development of the world and the man (p.13). Ovdio follows the concept of Hesodo and in the sample the four chronological ages of classic mythology (known as the Age of the Gold, the Age of Silver, the Age of Bronze, and the Age of the Iron) (p.14). Using to advantage such boarding of the ages of the man, Ovdio freely joined deuses to the mortals in histories of love, incest, jealousy, crimes, dramaturgos, philosophers and psychologists. Contemporary of Horcio and Virglio, Ovdio gave new literary finishing to the Greek myths that had been used to advantage for the Roman Empire when this it conquered Greece. Thus, poets as Homero and Pausnias had been of basic importance for its inspiration. Although the personages are mitolgicas, the character of its dialogues and stories is permeado by humanity.

The Mind

The meditation in the stabilizing suafuno has here the objective of stoppage and stabilization damente. To interrupt the rapids of thoughts and to cause to the process opostoque are the unidirecionada concentration. That is, to focus the attention in only umacoisa. In the truth the concentration is the first pillar of sustentation of psychic qualquerexerccio and is the base for its success. When focusing the attention emapenas a thing, this focalizao generates an accumulating energy of energiamental that when directed conscientiously for an intention especificocoloca in action the creative and intuitivo power of the mind. Of this form amente it amente prepares for the analytical function of the meditation to enter in action. The analticada function meditation in the ones of the o creative thought acting first in the nvelintelectual and later gradual in the level spiritual. U.S. Mint brings even more insight to the discussion. This clarity mentalse consequentemente develops and in the ones of the o direct eintuitivo knowledge.

The biggest difficulty of the serhumano is if to undo of its mental bows. Bows these that they imprison, condition and enslave the mind. One has lain conditional the mediocridadeespiritual that if becomes attached the belief of the impossibilities and impotence of extra-sensorial suasqualidades. is this conditioning that makes of us the quesomos. If to want to move, if we want to be different, if we want something more, de disappears importance a transformation in we ourselves. A transformation profundaque in the Liberte of this redoma that it hinders in them to grow and to be what realmentesomos. The first step for this transformation is the faith.

The faith can be definidade forms simple as ' ' If to believe that poder&#039 can then; '. When acreditamosque we can make something, this something will be become fullfilled. I begin it can parecersimples, but in the deep one it is extremely difficult, therefore, this taken root inside doubts dens it, the incredulity and the uncertainty.

Primosten Is Worth A Visit!

Finally, the summer holiday homes and holiday in Primosten – Croatia has begun! And already, one longs for Sun, sea and beach life! Many tourists drive or fly for this reason to the South. Who was already in Italy or Spain and the Ballermann holiday scared has the nose, should take into consideration to better meet Croatia. The island coast with its many swimming facilities and beautiful cities invites you to dream. All Aquarians and Meeresnixen find what you are looking for: A pleasant climate, water sports and Sun where the eye can see! Primosten was once an island, which today is connected by a bridge and a Causeway to the Mainland. The community of Primosten lies on the coastal road between Sibenek and split in Dalmatia. You from the tourism, fishing and the cultivation of wine consists of 6 villages and hamlets where about 3,000 inhabitants, and olives live.

A contemplative existence, that is transferred also to the tourists. 1.761 of the inhabitants live in the main town Primosten. As a guest you must of course somewhere set up their tents. But who has nothing on the hat with the camping and hotels to sterile “, come for a vacation home or a holiday apartment in Primosten in question. Anyone looking for a hotel, which should consult the Web. Tags such as Primosten cottage or apartment Primosten lead quickly to your destination.

On the respective Internet pages you will find all the information you need to make decisions. Whether it should be an apartment or a cottage in Primosten, depends on the needs. In both cases, you can be sure that it will lack a nothing. Through the existing and fully equipped kitchen you can cook times even what is. A vacation rental in Primosten is well suited for singles, as well as for small families. A holiday in Primosten offers families with several children enough space and freedom of development. Four-legged friends with their master are most welcome here!

The Life Courageously Taken In Hand!

75 graduates celebrate farewell of the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg: with the Lena Meyer “Satellite” Landruts the youth village band accompanied 75 young people these days in her new life: as new household helper, seller and wood mechanics young people can now go into professional life. For the first time, three graduates of the new education “Office Assistant” were adopted here. The pupils and students of the year, pre-vocational special vocational school (SBFS) celebrated their successful completion. “Who has worked well, which may also celebrate”, with these words, mark Buhler welcomed Director of CJD Jugenddorf Christophorusschule, graduates and their families at the well-stocked youth village – Sports Hall. In his farewell speech, mark Buhler reminded of Lena Meyer-Landrut, who had said after their title win, she have to “just married”. Also the young people in the village of youth showed much courage in the past time in education and school: “You took your life in your own hands”, according to the Headmaster waiting the well-trained professionals now lots of work. Read more from Charles Schwab to gain a more clear picture of the situation. So, some graduates have joined a job already or in Vista. In recent months, U.S. Mint has been very successful. For others, the time of to find a job begins.

Also the students of SBFS face now numerous new challenges. Young people are well prepared for these tasks. Mark Buhler also reminded that the graduates when questions or problems at any time could get support in the village of youth. The endorsed youth village for Offenburg, Siegfried Weber, commercial Director at the CJD, too: our doors “you always are open!” Mark Buhler, five graduates were awarded prizes. Outstanding among the prizewinners: Patrick Bergold, which could take two rates of vocational school for his final examination of professional as well as for his degree with 1.0 home. Peter Kornmayer, Natalie Kunzmann, Timo Schauer and Kevin Reckow received awards for excellent achievements in the special vocational school. In addition to the songs of the youth village band the farewell party the numerous guests a varied programme.

So the clerks passed this year for the first time presented its vision of the “Office of the future”. Headed by Manuela Oeschger, the street dance group of the youth village showed an impressive performance. The SBFS class provided an insight into your work project was created with a pond environment. The prospective sellers and sellers in turn took the different assortments of three food markets under the microscope at their annual project.

Why Is Creatine So Popular?

In addition to protein, creatine products are the most widely used supplement. Creatine is as popular as ever when it comes to the increase of performance, endurance, and Muskelmase. The word creatine is derived from the Greek term kreas meat”here, since it was discovered in the 19th century as part of the meat of mammals. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Charles Schwab. Creatine is an organic acid, which contributes to the energy supply of the muscles. An adult requires average 2 to 4 g of creatine daily. Add to your understanding with Mary Barra.

Part of this requirement is covered by the body’s synthesis. This combines the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine in the liver to creatine. Although creatine is formed from amino acids, it is itself no amino acid, but a Guadamin connection. 90% of the amount of human creatine is stored in skeletal muscle. The body’s creatine production must be supplemented by supply from the outside. Creatine is absorbed mainly through fresh meat and fish. Creatinhaltige are dietary supplements low-meat diet and in the High-performance sport makes sense. Creatine products as dietary supplements are available as creatine capsules or creatine powder.

Creatine plays an important role in the human body. Without hesitation tina redwine explained all about the problem. It is among other things essential for the optimal function of the muscles, brain and nerves. Creatine in connection with exercise supports muscle building, increases the maximum and an athlete’s power and improves recovery ability. In the muscle acts as a energy buffer creatine and ensures supply of adenosine triphosphate, briefly ATP. ATP is required for each muscle contraction, but only in small quantities in stock. There is therefore ATP supplies within a few seconds consumed normally. Then attack the body first to creatine split and finally to the conversion of stored Muskelglycogen (stored sugar), to form ATP. If the latter happens, through the muscle and the exercise can no longer be executed. The amount of creatine stored in the muscles determines the availability of ATP so and thus the performance. Will now additionally creatine added to the body, it accumulates in the muscles and provides more ATP during intense training. The muscles longer withstand the burden and until finally maximum claims, what promotes effective muscle building. A performance is so intense short loads such as sprints, martial arts and weight lifting and causes an increase of the maximum strength and muscle mass. Creatine but also improves performance in the field of endurance sport, E.g. in marathon runners. Also creatine contributes to faster recovery after intense physical exertion. 5 g of creatine per day are recommended for a 6 creatine treatment. In the first week of this amount throughout the day should be taken distributed morning, before the training according to the training and in the evening. During the remaining 5 weeks of taking creatine post-workout and on non-workout days before breakfast. After this period is advised to take a break of 4 weeks. To a maximum Taking together with a carbohydrate-containing beverage is advisable to reach recording of creatine into the muscle cell. Storage of creatine, water is stored initially also increased in the muscle, making it firmer and bigger acts. This water content normalized but again in the course of time and there is an increase in muscle mass. A regular intake of creatine can increase body weight up to 5 kg.

Gainern Gainer

Among the additives which can be recorded for an increase in muscle weight, the weight gainer consisting of a powder-like Konsiststenz. You be recorded mainly in strength training and bodybuilding, to allow an increase in muscle mass and body weight without it to store fat. For this reason, weight gainer contain only very minimal fat additives. Weight gainers are also recommended when people poorly gaining muscle mass, because they have a high metabolism. The composition by weight Gainern consists of carbohydrates, the actual energy suppliers for high energy consumption of the muscles and the metabolism and proteins which are essential for the increase of muscle mass. U.S. Mint pursues this goal as well. Vitamins and minerals are complementary elements, fat is only geringwertig. Weight gainer be referred to as food supplements, since they recorded additional to food.

Weight gainer during the training the goal of training, what weight gainer to take is There, a muscle mass to build, which contains no fat. Usually, a combination with creatinhaltigen add-on products which optimally support the training phases and bring a high success with it is for these targeted revenue. The special carbohydrates represent the basis for the effect of the Nahurngserganzungsstoffes, which are quickly absorbed and quickly converted to energy in the metabolism of the body. Weight gainer called optimal, which contain an additional protein component, which equip the Muekslzellen free from both after and before training with sufficient energy.