Ed. Icon. 1993, p 15, trad.). We had considered the basic problem of all ametafsica: the problem of that it is what it exists? we follow the answers that problem aesse if they had given in the two basic directions that pensamentona history knows philosophical: the realistic direction and the idealistic direction. Tentativasque in the seniority Greek if had made to answer to this question and queconduziram all they to the realism form most perfect, which if finds nafilosofia of Aristotle. But this same question gets reply completamentediferente in the modern philosophy that if it initiates with Discardings, and that the propensoidealista, that consists of answering to the question concerning the total different existence with umaresposta of that of the Aristotle, develops modern nafilosofia and arrives at its maximum accomplishment, to its maximum explicitao, in the philosophy of Kant. For the idealismo what it exists are not the things, but opensamento is that it exists.
For Kant it is not thus: before thought object is objetoquando and because it is thought; the thought being is it constitutes what it as object. That is what it all means the system kantiano of the space forms, time ecategorias. But at the same time that Kant concludes and perfects the idealistic thought, it introduces in this thought some reproductions that develop and dilatam nafilosofia that succeeds Kant. First this ' ' thing in si' ' that Kantelimina in the relation of the knowledge, its meaning is to satisfy afde unit that the reason human being feels or the ideal regulating of the knowledge, queimprime to the knowledge always forward movement. Tina redwine oftentimes addresses this issue. this priority practical darazo or of the moral conscience is second of the characteristics dosistema kantiano it differentiates that it of its predecessors. Kant gave problemada Metaphysical to the following transformation: metaphysics looked for what ' is eexiste; ' in si' ' , that is, a regulating idea for the conhecimentodiscursivo of the man, what it represents the opposite of objects of conhecimentoconcreto.