There are classes of English, are systems of fast learning, since they use the last advances of the medicine, in particular the neurociencias and psychology, developing learning systems that allow to obtain natural learning, without tension, free of efforts, rewarding, with a deep fixation of the information, reducing the hours of class almost in a 50% and consequently the costs. Another place to learn English is in a country of English speech. This is called learning by immersion. It is surrounded by people who speak English.
You put yourself in situations in which you must speak and comunicarte with people who only speak English. This is a powerful way to learn English and also the times are reduced. If you are in a country of English speech, you can learn English still more fast if you go to a university. You can attend courses that teach English to foreigners. These classes are given by the residents of the country. Sometimes, these classes are distributed in communitarian centers and other times are private universities. Also you can learn English from your own house, through the education at a distance. You can take courses from English online or by correspondence, or it is possible to be taken courses by Internet.
Some of these courses, even you they allow to speak with other people. If you decide to do it, it is easy to find a place to learn English, Which you must do is to decide how long, effort and money you are arranged to use in this learning. Then, to do it.