The educator must stimulate the estruturao of projetode life on the part of educating, but not only follow its first steps in this novomomento of life, of supported form that it if feels insurance and (LIRA 2003). So that the life project if establishes is necessary that oeducando it does not want more the streets, but that it desires a life different. It will be tense ummomento, therefore it has the street as everything in its life, source of income, roupase food and he will be to work employed will not receive what he gains in the streets semmuito effort. For in such a way, it will be of utmost importance that the net of serviosesteja fully functioning, with all the involved actors as Prefeitura, the Agencies of Protection, institutions and the society, all juntoscolaborando with the action of the form educator to give to necessary encaminhamentos paracada child and boarded adolescent. Finally, the educative process necessary metodolgicos contemplarprocedimentos that work with each child from the suarealidade and subjectivity, penetrating the life of these citizens without being invasive. It must be adjusted to the fragility level where each one meets, with oeducador perceiving and respecting the limits taxes for the citizen and pelarealidade of the street. 5 FINAL CONSIDERAES This article searched to analyze practical of the social educator derua, based in theories of Pablo Freire. In such a way, the practical one of the EducadoresSociais de Rua has extreme relevance in a State that denies the good part of its (its) citizens () right basic constitutionally recognized, quegera devastadoras consequences in north families the south of the country. At the same time, val